“Happiness in family life is most likely to be achieved when founded upon the teachings of the Lord Jesus Christ”
“The Family: A Proclamation to the World,”

January 29, 2014

My Raggedy Boy

I love this Raggedy Boy!  

This little guy isn't such a little guy anymore.  He is a tween...almost teen! Time truly flies...even though it doesn't feel like it when these kiddos are smaller.
Ethan hates getting his haircut so it gets SUPER long in between hair appointments.  This is a particularly long time and he has crazy long hair, but he likes it.  Weirdo!
Just to embarrass him (or embrace his childhood a little longer) I brought my camera and snapped a before and after shot!

My little raggedy boy cleans up nice huh?  

He is a dang cute kid, with an outstanding personality and love of life!  Ethan is growing so quickly and has a great grasp of the spirit and his emotions.  He is my tough guy who isn't afraid to cry...and I like that.  He likes having his momma around, even when she is nagging about homework.

I read a chapter book to Ethan every night. It's our thing.  We are currently reading the Percy Jackson Series that Aunt Kari got him for Christmas.  I love the one on one time I get to spend with him cuddled up to me every night.  My 11 year old will still cuddle me!  I think of when Ethan goes on a mission and I start to miss him already...is that normal?  I can barely let him go to an overnight scouting event without a break down.  I want to burst when I think of how much I love Ethan.  He is my first born. He taught me how to be a mom and he is still teaching me.  He MADE me a mom!  I am so blessed!

{If you don't know the television reference to Raggedy Boy (Raggedy Man), I just lost respect for you, but because you are reading these I still like you!}

1 comment:

Adam & Leesha Wickern said...

This is the first time in many moons that I decided to read a blog. I am glad it was yours. I look at Ethan and am amazed at the young man he has become. He is such a good kid and I love him! You have done an outstanding job as his mom!

BTW, no clue what Raggedy boy means, but thought it was cute anyway. :)