“Happiness in family life is most likely to be achieved when founded upon the teachings of the Lord Jesus Christ”
“The Family: A Proclamation to the World,”

July 18, 2008

Am I Glowing?

I am beginning my third trimester!!! Yeah! Surprisingly these past six months have gone by very quickly. It's hard to believe this little girl will be here in 3 months. I suppose she should have a name, but Corey and I just can't come up with one that sounds perfect. So, for now we just call her Mystery Girl per Ethan's suggestion. I told Corey we ought to just name her Mystery since that's what we call her anyway. Hey, anything goes these days.
At my last appointment with the doctor the baby was measuring about 2 lbs. I know she will grow rapidly between now and October because I do not have small babies. My preemie, Isabella, was 6 lbs 5 oz. Had I carried her 5 more weeks she would have been well over 8 lbs. Ethan was 3.5 weeks early and weighed in at 8 lbs 5 oz. Since I don't carry to term, the Dr. told me to take it easy this last trimester and not to do anything too strenuous. I wonder if I can convince Corey that laundry and cleaning are "too strenuous" for me. Seriously, I don't let pregnancy slow me down in anyway. I think that about drives my mom and sister crazy though. However, because I don't want another NICU baby I will heed the doctors orders.
Isabella is starting to get jealous when I hold Ethan or kiss Corey so I can see that when this baby comes her whole world will be turned upside down. She has no clue what is about to happen. Ethan, on the other hand, is just thrilled to not have to share a room anymore. Speaking of which, I have all of three months to get the office looking like a nursery. No problem! Painting and decorating isn't too strenuous, is it?


Jill said...

Yes! You are glowing! I forgot you were pregnant and now look at you - 3rd trimester. I'm on the doctor's side, by the way, sit still for some minutes every day, would ya? I know that's asking a lot but I don't want you in any ICU or your baby either. Thank you, my glowing, gorgeously pregnant friend.

Christy said...

So speaking of taking it easy, Kelly's looking for someone to work Thursday nights and the usual 2 weekend shifts a month and specifically asked me to see if you'd be interested.....! I told her you were 6 months pregnant, and she said, "I know, but I just want to see if she'd be interested." So whaddya say?!? (Granted I don't work Thursdays so I know how that might affect your decision, but there's always weekends!)