“Happiness in family life is most likely to be achieved when founded upon the teachings of the Lord Jesus Christ”
“The Family: A Proclamation to the World,”

February 25, 2010

Lessons Learned Before Noon Today

#1: Always do painting projects when Peaches is sleeping.
#2: Always do painting projects much higher than baby can climb.
#3: Never leave paint for said projects out while waiting to paint a second coat.
#4: Never take a bathroom break while waiting to paint second coat.
#5: Always laugh and take pictures when Peaches decides to help with painting project!

February 15, 2010

Tragic End of Piggy Princess

Izzy carried this Piggy Princess everywhere. I knew (and accepted) the fact that one day Piggy Princess would break. I wasn't too concerned though...I got it for free. SO...I am in the kitchen doing what I do when I heard a crash followed by "Oh Piggy Princess broke." Izzy didn't cry. I didn't get mad. We just looked at each other and the broken bank and money scattered on the floor and we smiled. Then we laughed. Then we cleaned up.
Good Times.

February 14, 2010

Family Wii Time

Ellie loves to "play the Wii" with her Daddy and Ethan. She moves the remote around and pushes the buttons as if she is really playing. She, of course, is encouraged by our laughter and keeps playing.

Ellie is at a really fun age right now. She is a master mimicker which constantly annoys Izzy.
I think they will be friends one day...like when one goes off to college. :)
Ellie is a Daddy's girl and Corey loves that! Every morning when he goes to work she cries and when he gets home Ellie runs to the door to meet him.
She is very easy going. As long as she is where her brother or sister is then she is happy.

"My Family" by Ethan

I am having this framed!!!

February 13, 2010

Family Home Evening by Ethan

This is a copy of Ethan's lesson for Family Home Evening. He created his lesson all on his own and ended it with a sweet, beautiful testimony about the things he knows are true. It was the best Family Home Evening ever.

February 5, 2010

Ellie's Silly Face

Really, does this photo need an explanation?
It's hysterical how Ellie makes this scrunched up face.
She does it all the time...not just when Corey does it to her. :)

February 3, 2010

Little Chefs

Santa brought Ethan and Izzy chef hats and aprons for Christmas. Izzy has use hers quite a bit with her toy kitchen, but I wasn't sure how Ethan felt about his.
I told the kids we were having a "Make Your Own Pizza" night for dinner and the next thing I know they are both adorned in the chef attire. They look good...I can't really say the same for the pizzas, but we had a good time.
When the pizzas were done and we were done eating Ethan said, "Let's definitely order out next time."

February 2, 2010

Waiting for Brother

I saw a quote a long time ago.

Long before I ever had a little girl.
It goes something like this:
A girls first love is her daddy;
her second love is her big brother.
This little girl adores her brother.
She is seriously lost without him during the day.
Maybe not lost, but certainly bored.
I walked past her room and there she stood at the window.
Shoes in hand.
"We need go get Etan."
"Daddy is picking up Ethan today, Iz."
She turns and stares out the window.
Just waiting for her brother...
For a moment anyway.