“Happiness in family life is most likely to be achieved when founded upon the teachings of the Lord Jesus Christ”
“The Family: A Proclamation to the World,”

March 5, 2009

Growing Everyday

Elizabeth is almost 6 months old and is discovering something new everyday. With camera in hand, I try to capture those moments, but sometimes I am not so lucky. Today I was! Today she saw her reflection in this little floor gym mirror and laughed at how cute the baby is looking back at her.
She loves to lay in her crib and "talk" to the walls, the bars, the mobile or whatever she is looking at at the time. This time I walked in the nursery and she was talking to her foot before shoving it in her mouth. Hopefully she was warning it. :)


Kari Sweeten said...

She is soooooooooooo cute! I just want to eat those cute cheeks!

Patti said...

I love to listen to her laugh Elizabeth can laugh and cry at the same time.