“Happiness in family life is most likely to be achieved when founded upon the teachings of the Lord Jesus Christ”
“The Family: A Proclamation to the World,”

September 14, 2009

Ellie's First Birthday

Not quite sure what's going on.

Loving her pink cake.

Cleaning up in the Laundry Room sink

First birthdays are always fun. Ellie's first birthday was a blast. I love when my family gets together and when my kids are happy, so this birthday party was a great event. Ellie got a lot of fun toys (which Izzy thinks are hers). Ellie was the star of the show and didn't quite know what to do.
She is not quite the spit-fire Izzy was at one, but she gets mad when she doesn't get her way. Ellie is very observant of her siblings and wants to do what they do. She is pretty little for her age; she weighs 19 lbs and is in the 20th percentile. Ellie loves to walk and has a little waddle about her. She is finally getting some hair, not much though. We call her Ellie Bean, Peaches, and Elle. She is a great addition to our family and it's a joy to watch her grow.


Adam & Leesha Wickern said...

Wow, I can't believe how big she is getting!! I wish we could have been to her party. Cute blog BTW!!

Anonymous said...

She is too cute! How fun for her birthday. I love that age.