“Happiness in family life is most likely to be achieved when founded upon the teachings of the Lord Jesus Christ”
“The Family: A Proclamation to the World,”

August 16, 2010

E turns 8!

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These are the only pictures we got of E on his birthday.  We were just having too much fun to think about the camera.  Ethan loves to go to Olive Garden every year on his birthday.  He orders the same thing:  Zuppa Soup and a Root Beer.  Corey and I bring a bag of presents and E opens them while we wait for the food and after we are finished.  No, there are not a lot of presents…our food just comes really fast. :) 

Ethan is a truly amazing boy!  I am so proud of how hard he tries in school and how he wants so badly to succeed at everything he does.  I am grateful for his tender heart.  I love that he is sensitive to the needs of others.  He is a cuddly boy and loves to give hugs and cuddles.  He always tells me he loves me when he leaves the house…I hope that always continues. 

I can’t believe E is getting baptized!  I am so proud of him.  Heavenly Father has blessed me to be able to raise one of his choicest of spirits.  Love you buddy.

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