“Happiness in family life is most likely to be achieved when founded upon the teachings of the Lord Jesus Christ”
“The Family: A Proclamation to the World,”

April 27, 2012

Let’s try this again, shall we.


So for about a year now I have actually been journaling in a journal {gasp} instead of a blog.  I have seriously enjoyed the creativity that flows when I hold a pen to paper.  But I am noticing that lately I only journal and draw on Sundays…at church.  Although I enjoy the artsy part of it, I can type faster than I write so I started this blog up again…for journaling purposes.


That being said, let’s get on with it.

mustaches 006E (9), Iz (5), Elle (3)

Look at these cute munchkins!  When I look at this picture I see three amazing little miracles…with mustaches.  I am so blessed to be able to be their mother.  Mothering is so much easier as the kids get older.  I know it’s crucial to be a fabulous mother from day one, but MAN, those babies are so hard.  Or maybe it was just my babies that were so hard.  COLIC. ALLERGIES. ECZEMA. FORMULA.  They are so much more enjoyable now and I say that with  no shame.  I have made a great effort to enjoy every stage of childhood with my children and I think just have that mind set has made me a better mother.  I really enjoy playing with my kids now.

I love that I can have a sarcastic conversation with E and he gets it.  I love that he can watch his sisters if I have to run to a neighbors house.  I love that Iz and Elle can play with each other and entertain each other without needing constant help from me.  Although, half the time I am saying, “Don’t fight!” or “Please get along.”  {Add referee to my many hats.}  They are amazingly fabulous children who teach me everyday how to be a better person.

Ethan recently reminded me of a talk at the last LDS General Conference: “Mom, do you remember that talk that said there should be no yelling in the home…just a family?”  That little comment brought me back to reality.  That these little humans listen and watch everything I do.  I impact them more than I know…and I want that impact to always be for good.


Jessica said...

Glad you're back!

Ash. said...

her, remember when you were going to strat blogging again...?(: miss your face.