“Happiness in family life is most likely to be achieved when founded upon the teachings of the Lord Jesus Christ”
“The Family: A Proclamation to the World,”

July 16, 2012

I have a passion…

I absolutely love to create, but my serious passion lies in sewing.  I love to take some fabric and see it come together to make something amazing…that I created!

Here are a few things I have created this past year…except the last two.  {Those are just to fill space in the collage.}

Personal Sewing Collage

I cringe every time I even think about using a pattern though.  Please just let me create as I go.  I know it is the hard way though.  I have learned a lot of techniques through trial and error. Like ruffling, elastics, zippers.  I still can’t do sleeves or baby bloomers, but that will change soon.  I actually bought a pattern…GASP.  My mom is going to help me through it this week and then I will know how to create something with sleeves. :)

Despite not knowing all the ins and outs of sewing, I have been able to make some money with my love of sewing.  I have the best job in the world working for my sister at Ucreate Crafts and I am a member of the Riley Blake Project Design Team this year.  I am telling you, it doesn’t get much better than making your passion a money maker. 

Great-Grandma Rond would be so proud!

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