“Happiness in family life is most likely to be achieved when founded upon the teachings of the Lord Jesus Christ”
“The Family: A Proclamation to the World,”

September 19, 2012

I am a Photographer!


Photography Post

I have found another new hobby.  Yes, I have many!  I consider it developing my talents.  I think you can learn how to do ALMOST anything.  Ya know that movie Ratatouille when the fat French Chef says, “Anyone can cook.”  I believe that is true with almost any subject. 

So I took the mantra “Anyone can be a photographer” and went with it.  I constantly study photos.  Photos of people, landscaping, art projects, tutorials, etc.  I analyze and over-analyze photography.  So, I think I have somewhat of a grasp on how to pose people and the best lighting and such.  So here is a sample of some of my recent endeavors.  No judging…at least not where I can hear you.

Lilly 6 Month Collage

1 comment:

Kari Sweeten said...

You are amazing at it too, sis!