“Happiness in family life is most likely to be achieved when founded upon the teachings of the Lord Jesus Christ”
“The Family: A Proclamation to the World,”

January 8, 2013

Bad Moments…

Man, this has been a rough day.  I can’t really pinpoint anything that made it rough, but I was just on edge.  My girls seem to fight ALL the time and sometimes Ethan likes to egg them on.  But that is typical everday stuff in our home.  At dinner time, Corey called to say he would be working late and I was trying to spearhead homework (which is challenging in itself) and make dinner while at the same time refereeing the girls.  Finally I just lost it and begged the girls (rather loudly) to just stop fighting!  Then I threw a juice glass across the kitchen.  All the kids stopped in their tracks and looked at each other.  Ethan whispered timidly, “Mom, are you okay?”  I went over and picked up the juice glass and began doing the dishes.  I told Ethan that it is so hard to deal with all the fighting and then have everything to handle as well.  The children were very quiet after that moment and I cleaned the ENTIRE kitchen trying to calm down.  During this cleaning binge I remembered seeing this quote on Pinterest:

bad moments

So after a rough evening, I am still a good mama…just one that had a bad moment.  Let’s face it, we ALL have them!  Here’s to a new day tomorrow.


Adam & Leesha Wickern said...

Thanks for posting this. I never get on my blog anymore, but I decided to just browse to try and get my mind off of things. I have felt this exact same way lately and I have wondered why I have these moments. I sometimes feel that I can't control my frustration/anger like other mom's and I feel guilty for it, but in reality, I am not alone in these "mom moments". Thanks again!

Jill said...

I had posted about these moments on my blog too and a friend shared this link with me:


Maybe you'd like it? Maybe not? I thought it was awesome.
You are awesome. And one of my favorite people ever. Love you.