“Happiness in family life is most likely to be achieved when founded upon the teachings of the Lord Jesus Christ”
“The Family: A Proclamation to the World,”

August 4, 2008

My Latest Creative Outlet

Look at Izzy's hair! I do her hair everyday and I love it. It only looks perfect until her first nap and it's definitely an exercise in frustration to get her to sit still, but dang it's cute, huh? I have really enjoyed making hairbows with my sister lately. Here is a sample of the ones I make for Izzy. I am seriously addicted. I am constantly thinking of odds and ends to put on them. I just make these little ones for now, but I love the big "over the top" ones. Izzy will be wearing those soon. Thanks to all the "hair" blogs out there I find a ton of cute hair styles to play around with. I love having a little girl!


Jill said...

Her hair is adorable! It's so much fun to have a little girl, isn't it? I am obsessed with doing Ari's hair. And the bows? I haven't yet dared to make any but I buy a good deal of them. So much fun!

Adam & Leesha Wickern said...

Way Cute Beck!!!

Christy said...

Okay, send me some of those "hair" blogs! I put daisy's hair in pigtails nearly everyday!! I guess we're in a hair-rut...

Melanie said...

Way cute! I must say that I am jealous of that you get to do that! I just get to spike things.