“Happiness in family life is most likely to be achieved when founded upon the teachings of the Lord Jesus Christ”
“The Family: A Proclamation to the World,”

August 19, 2008

New Life on My Front Porch

These are our new baby birds! A couple of months ago we noticed this weird looking "mud nest" and two little swallows flying around our house. Then the mother bird began spending a lot more time in the nest and becoming more aggressive toward us when we walked outside. Today, I noticed this tiny beak sticking out of the nest. I was so excited to see these little baby birds. I grabbed the camera and zoomed in as close as possible and when I looked at the picture I saw another little yellow beak . So, I know there are at least two little babies. Ethan thinks they are so fun. He won't go outside the front door very often though, because that mother bird is VERY aggressive. She likes to fly right above our heads and dive near us. That's okay. I know what that protectice motherly instinct is all about. I would do ANYTHING to protect my babies!

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