“Happiness in family life is most likely to be achieved when founded upon the teachings of the Lord Jesus Christ”
“The Family: A Proclamation to the World,”

January 17, 2009

Izzy Loves Ethan too Much Sometimes

Ethan is so tolerant of Izzy. She is wanting so badly for Ethan to play with her in these pictures. Izzy was climbing all over him and hugging him and doing whatever else to get his attention and he just sat there playing his Nintendo DS. It's a crack up how he just tunes it all out; even when he is being mauled. Izzy absolutely adores Ethan. They say the first man a girl loves is her daddy; well, the second is certainly her brother.


Kari Sweeten said...

I love your new blog look!!!

Britney said...

Your blog is so cute! Your family is adorable! I'm so happy that you are doing so very well, however I do miss the good ol' days, fasting from chocolate for missionary work in hot hot Bakersfield! I love you, Becky! The rest of the Clemmons say hello and that they love you, too!