“Happiness in family life is most likely to be achieved when founded upon the teachings of the Lord Jesus Christ”
“The Family: A Proclamation to the World,”

March 21, 2010

My Izzy B is almost 3

Isn't she beautiful?!
Look at those huge brown eyes. They are always aware of everything around her. Izzy has always been right in the action. She's never left out because she wouldn't stand for it. She's also a very imaginative little girl. Izzy spends alot of time with her dolls (and even Ethan's toys) playing pretend. I love to listen in on her conversations with her Barbies. They usually consist of Barbie #1 saying, "I'm so pretty." To which Barbie #2 responds, "No, I'm so pretty."
Look at that hair...somedays it looks really blond...other times it looks more red...either way it's gorgeous. Izzy is very good to let me do her hair. She sits at the sink and soaks her feet or brushes her teeth. Sometimes she sucks the water out of the spray bottle and says, "Aah, so good." Without fail however, whenever I get done she hopes down and says hunts for her Daddy. Looking very flirtatious, Izzy says, "How my look?" I hope she always thinks herself so beautiful.
And look at that mouth...those Spongebob teeth, those darling lips! Those teeth and lips may be little but let me tell you, some HUGE sounds come from those thing. She has a fabulous pair of lungs. Maybe all that crying from colic as an infant helped with that. Izzy makes her wants know. You never have to guess how she is feeling. It's not just that she can yell either. Her laugh is contagious. Especially when she is laughing at/with Ethan. Izzy likes to be happy, but she also likes her own way. If you are not playing "it" her way then she is NOT happy. As much as I complain or whine about Izzy's stubborn streak, I am grateful she has it. Believe it or not, I think it helped her survive birth and the NICU. I believe that determined little personality came down with her from our Heavenly Father. That stubborn streak will certainly help her be a follower and achieve her dreams. I speak from experience!

Isabella is an amazing little thing. I love her more than I can express here. I prayed for her for 4 years and, boy, was she worth the wait! Whatever the future holds for her I know it will be glorious because she wouldn't have it any other way!


Adam & Leesha Wickern said...

Spoken from a honest and loving mother! Perfectly said...

Kari Sweeten said...

She's such a doll Becky!