“Happiness in family life is most likely to be achieved when founded upon the teachings of the Lord Jesus Christ”
“The Family: A Proclamation to the World,”

September 24, 2008

Not the "Baby" anymore...

Well, she is certainly not the baby anymore. Look at that big girl. Since Elizabeth came along Izzy has seemed more like a big girl than a baby to me. Even though she still needs me to change her diaper and get her dressed in the morning, she isn't the baby of our family any longer. Izzy doesn't care though. She still rules the roost and struts around her like she can do whatever she'd like...because she can. She is actually a pretty easy little girl as long as I keep the bathroom doors shut, breakables on high shelves and Elizabeth in a whole other room. :) When she can actually turn the door knobs is when I need to worry. Izzy can reach them now, but isn't quite sure how to get the door to open.
Izzy is a total daddy's girl! He walks in the door at the end of the day and she says, "Hi" and runs to him. Lately she wants Daddy all the time. No worries here; I'm not complaining. My hands are full as it is. She has discovered coloring and can sit for at least an hour at the bar just scribbling on the same piece of paper. I don't remember Ethan liking to color until he was like 3 or 4 years. Izzy especially likes to color if Ethan is coloring. She is certain she can do whatever he can do. It's amazing to me how different Ethan and Izzy are, but how much they like to be with each other. Izzy's personality is very independent and head strung. She knows what she wants and wants it now. While Ethan is very laid back and easy going. He is very imaginative and sensitive and is her personal body guard. She is very lucky to have him. They play really cute together despite the occasional teasing by Ethan and screaming by Izzy. Ethan sure enjoys her company now that she is older and can play with him more. I have to admit I enjoy her company a lot more now that she is more self entertaining. :) That's my BIG girl...they grow so fast, huh?

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