“Happiness in family life is most likely to be achieved when founded upon the teachings of the Lord Jesus Christ”
“The Family: A Proclamation to the World,”

January 2, 2010

Cold. Wet. Lots of Laughs.

Danny called me last night and said we were meeting at Mom's and going sledding today. I was so excited. I love to see all the kids sledding. Of course, it has nothing to do with me getting on a sled and screaming down an ice hill at top speed...okay I like it!
So all my siblings were there and after a mild mental breakdown and some crying we finally made it.
We had a great time.
Corey mainly enjoyed to conversation and keeping track of Izzy.
The sled Izzy was playing on got down the hill some how and she experience her first snowy hill solo, hit a bump and flipped over. Once we knew she was okay it was hysterical. Needless to say, she didn't attempt any more hills the rest of the afternoon.
Ethan just enjoys being with his cousins and laughing. He always has fun with them. He actually went off the little jumps this year. He is getting more daring.

Ellie was a blast to take down the hill. She just giggled the entire time. She was so cute. Then I would lay her on the sled and pull her up the hill. She thought that was even funnier.
Good times were had by all. We were wet and cold, but couldn't stop laughing.
We continued our fun with Macaroni and Tomato Juice at Grandma Patti's...except for Ethan of course, he had his traditional Peanut Butter and Honey sandwich. ;) The men shoveled (then ATVed) the snow in the front yard into a big slide for the kids. I don't think it will melt until June. Good times!

1 comment:

Jill said...

How fun! I remember when you told me your family had macaroni and tomato juice too. It confirmed your awesomeness. :)