“Happiness in family life is most likely to be achieved when founded upon the teachings of the Lord Jesus Christ”
“The Family: A Proclamation to the World,”

November 26, 2008

My three kids!

I was snapping pictures of the three kids together and finally got one that I love! It took about 10 tries and they all finally smiled...if you can call what Elizabeth is doing a smile. :)
Ethan is such a big help. He is my runner. I can ask him to get me a diaper, wipes, my phone, the remote, etc. and he does it without complaint. He is such a sweet and easy little guy. E is definitely my low maintenance child. I love that he is so sensitive and in tune to others emotions, too. When I am having a tough moment with the girls he walks up and hugs me and strokes my hair. He is truly a gem!
Izzy is what I would label my high maintenance, curious child. She is seriously into EVERYTHING! She is a very head-strung and determined little girl. Izzy doesn't easily give up, that's for sure. Her favorite word is "NO" & "Mommy." I am hoping to potty train her by the end of the year. Her slightly defiant attitude may hinder that though.
Elizabeth is finally becoming more enjoyable! She is eating better and keeps most of it down. She is taking an antacid for her reflux which not only helps her feel better, but she is sleeping better too. I am really enjoying this motherhood thing, as exhausting as it is!

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