“Happiness in family life is most likely to be achieved when founded upon the teachings of the Lord Jesus Christ”
“The Family: A Proclamation to the World,”

November 11, 2008

Reflections from the Birthday Girl!

This is what a 31 year old looks like. Well, a 31 year old with my genetic make up. November 10, 2008 was my 31st birthday! I am not one easily freaked out over age. I figure it's a lot more fun to embrace the years than to be embarrassed by them.
It seems, birthdays are always a time of reflection; yesterday was no exception for me. Am I doing what I dreamed of doing when I was younger? What have I yet to accomplish? Am I happy? Ya know, all the typical questions of evaluation. Then I read and listened to a conference address called "Come What May and Love it" by Elder Joseph B. Wirthlin (an apostle for the LDS church). So what did I learn on my 31st birthday? No matter what is happening in life (good, bad or uneventful), love it.
My goals for the coming year:
- Be optomistic
- Enjoy life's little set backs
- Serve others more
Here's to another year. Bring it on!


Jill said...

Happy Birthday again! Thanks for always giving me reasons to want to be better. And a good example to follow.

Christy said...

Here's another goal: learn how to spell" optimistic". ;)

Melskers said...

Hey Sweetie!
Happy late b-day!!! I can more than IDENTIFY with you, because I just turned 31 as well in October! Great outlook you have to embrace rather than be embarrassed by our age (even if I NEVER thought I'd EVER hit 30, let alone 31--yikes!!!).