“Happiness in family life is most likely to be achieved when founded upon the teachings of the Lord Jesus Christ”
“The Family: A Proclamation to the World,”

December 7, 2008

"Liken the Scriptures"

Last night Ethan woke up at 3 am refusing to go back to sleep because of a nightmare. Therefore, he was up all night. Izzy has a killer cold and 102 degree fever. Corey jammed his finger in a basketball game yesterday and has been on some serious painkillers. Due to all these unfortunate events, I missed church once again! I missed last week because Elizabeth and I were up all night. Believe it or not she has been a gem the last two days (thank heavens for the Levson prescription). After watching all I could of the Disney Channel, I asked Ethan to choose one of the Liken The Scripture movies. They are all wonderful!! He chose the one about David and Goliath. I LOVE that one! I admittedly sing along with the movie and enjoy myself.
Funny story about this one. Goliath is played by Thurl Bailey who is a commentator at the Jazz games. We took Ethan to a Jazz game and afterward we went to see them film the post game show. Ethan saw Thurl Bailey and whispered, "GOLIATH." We were fortunate that he got to meet Thurl Bailey and get his autograph. Now every time we attend a Jazz game, Ethan looks for "Goliath."
Anyway, all these movies are fabulous. I want to eventually have them all. As of now I own, about 5 of them. I really appreciate how they make the scriptures come alive for Ethan (and myself).

1 comment:

Tennor said...

Thanks for your kind words about Liken! I play Achish the philistine in that movie, and it's one of my favorites, too.