“Happiness in family life is most likely to be achieved when founded upon the teachings of the Lord Jesus Christ”
“The Family: A Proclamation to the World,”

December 5, 2008

Mary, Mother of the Savior

Christmas is a wonderful time of the year. Reading about the Savior's birth in Luke 2 is absolutely inspiring to me as a mother. My favorite scripture of the event is Luke 2:19:
"But Mary kept all these things, and pondered them in her heart."
As the shepherds were proclaiming the birth of the Lord, Mary was pondering her sacred feelings as a new mom. I never appreciated the feelings of Mary before I had my own child. Think of all the things that she must have been feeling and holding so close to her heart. She was the mother of the Savior! As overwhelming as it must have seemed, just as with any mother, I am sure unimaginable peace and love filled her heart as she looked upon her newborn baby. Knowing of Jesus' divine potential, she had a daunting task. I would love to meet her and talk with her about motherhood. She would be a great wealth of knowledge, I am sure! Truly she is "blessed...among women."

1 comment:

Danny Hansen said...

I often compare Mary to Emma Smith and the things that she kept and pondered in her heart and her husband with through hell and back. Mary's Son went through much more and saved us from Hell and Death. Great Post.