“Happiness in family life is most likely to be achieved when founded upon the teachings of the Lord Jesus Christ”
“The Family: A Proclamation to the World,”

October 24, 2008

Hi! My name is Becky and I LOVE High School Musical!

Well, now you know! I am a High School Musical lover!
I am counting the hours until 7:30 pm. At that time Ethan and I will be in our seats with a large popcorn and a pack of Red Vines anxiously awaiting the final chapter of the HSM saga to begin. Yipeeee!

Wow! We had so much fun! The movie was fantastic. I highly recommend seeing it on opening night surrounded by jr. high and high school age teenage girls. They were "wahoo"-ing and dancing and clapping the whole time. It was a blast! Ethan sat mesmerized through the whole thing. I will definitely go again while it's on the big screen. And by the end of the night I will have the soundtrack on my iPod.
The only negative (if there is one) is that you say a little more skin than the previous movies.
Other than that, the choreography was sensational!


Melskers said...

Hey Beckers!
You have a blast with Ethan!!!! I remember only too well your royal fettish in high school with Star Trek and Captain...Captain-what's-his-name? As I read your blog, it all came back to me!!! Tell us if the movie's good--I've only seen bits and pieces of the first movie...
Love ya tons and tons,
Melskaroonie (AKA Melskie)

Jessica said...

I need to go see that! I know I will love it!