“Happiness in family life is most likely to be achieved when founded upon the teachings of the Lord Jesus Christ”
“The Family: A Proclamation to the World,”

October 2, 2008

Two Weeks Old and Three Ounces Heavier

Elizabeth is now two weeks old and is just a tiny peanut! She is only 3 ounces over her birth weight. She had a well baby visit yesterday and the doctor isn't concerned because she is at least gaining weight. We had to switch her to a 'low birth weight' formula that will give her 22 extra calories. It's hard on her tummy, but she is doing well.
I really enjoy Elizabeth. She is an easy baby. I could hold her all day because she is just this little ball that curls up on my chest. My other kids were really colicky and hard to handle as newborns. Elizabeth isn't like that at all (knock on wood). She is awake alot more and stares at everything around her. She seems perfectly content to lay on the floor or in her bouncer and take in her surroundings. She is a joy!
Having 3 kids isn't as tough as I had heard. It definitely takes more organizing and juggling, but nothing super hard. Izzy needs alot more attention than usual, but she will get used to this new addition to our family and be just fine. For now I just give her the extra attention she needs and she seems to be happy. Ethan is adjusting really good. Because he is so laid back and goes with the flow it's easy to neglect his mommy time. I have to consciously remember to play a game with him or read with him because he won't let me know that is what he wants to do. He is very aware of the changes Elizabeth has brought to our household, but he adores her so I guess it's okay that she screws things up for a little bit. :) She is only weeks old and yet I can't imagine our family without her. What a special new addition to our Vandenberg clan.


Anonymous said...

She's beautiful. Wish I was around to meet her! I'll have to see if we can catch up with you guys during Christmas

Even Better Than the Real Thing said...

Congratulations!!!! I am so happy for you and your family. I am extra glad that she isn't colicky!!! Have fun.