“Happiness in family life is most likely to be achieved when founded upon the teachings of the Lord Jesus Christ”
“The Family: A Proclamation to the World,”

October 5, 2008

A Sweet Reunion

Friday was my mission reunion. I absolutely love seeing President & Sister Clarke. Truly, I think my Mission President is apostolic...is that okay to say? He is one of the greatest most loving men I know. He is just a wonderful man who changed my life. I enjoy President so much because he is very approachable despite the fact he can see into your soul when he looks at you. I feel like he knows my every thought and deed when I make eye contact with him.
The wonderful thing about my reunions is that President and Sister Clarke treat them like a zone conference. We recite the Standard of Truth, D&C 4 and our mission scripture Alma 53:20. Sister Clarke will speak to us and then President will take the rest of the meeting and advise and enlighten us. I leave the chapel feeling inspired and blessed.
This time President spent alot of time talking about the 1979 article be President Joseph F. Smith, In The Presence of the Divine. It is a must read article! But to hear further enlightenment on the subject by President Clarke and again yesterday by Elder Jeffrey Holland at General Conference, just gave me a greater witness of the truthfulness of the doctrine. I have a lot to study this coming week on the Presence of the Divine.
I am so blessed for having served a mission. There isn't a day that goes by where I don't think of things I learned, people I met, or experiences I had during those 18 months of my life. I am so grateful for the choice I made to serve. My life has been richly blessed because of it: My faith and testimony in the restored gospel of Jesus Christ is solid. It was an amazing time in my life!


Anonymous said...

Don't worry we're no stalking your family, we found your blog from Alisha. Your family is so very cute. Congratulations on your baby.

Jill said...


Adam & Leesha Wickern said...

Hey Beck, I just wanted to wish you and Ceor a Happy Anniversary Today!!

Jennie said...

I finally posted a reunion pick :)