“Happiness in family life is most likely to be achieved when founded upon the teachings of the Lord Jesus Christ”
“The Family: A Proclamation to the World,”

October 21, 2008

Their Only Little for so Long...Thank Heavens!

My sister sent me this cartoon at 4:42 am (she is pregnant and can't sleep...:( ). She knows this cartoon is a perfect depiction of me and motherhood. I love it!
I am not your typical mom, I guess. People will tell me, "Enjoy these little ones because they grow up so fast." To which I respond, "Thank Heavens!" Being a mother doesn't come easy to me at all. I love my children and I love being home with them, but I truly struggle with the balancing act of laundry, homework, hubby time, dishes, newborn needs, potty training, ME time, my hobbies, school projects, getting a shower, etc. It seems that motherhood comes naturally to many women; I am one who has to work at it. Don't get me wrong, I don't think I am a horrible mom. I actually think I do a dang good job, but I end each day purely exhausted and a little overwhelmed thinking I will just wake up in a couple of hours and do it all again. So, I just pray for strength, patience and inspiration everyday as I try to raise these precious little people to reach their full potential as the children of God I know they are.
Mine is an awesome responsibility! I wouldn't trade it for anything...most of the time.

1 comment:

Kari Sweeten said...

You are a fabulous mother! I think every mother can relate to this cartoon in one way or another.