“Happiness in family life is most likely to be achieved when founded upon the teachings of the Lord Jesus Christ”
“The Family: A Proclamation to the World,”

October 4, 2008

Soothing My Colicky Baby

I have another colicky baby! Are you kidding? What on Earth am I supposed to learn from having 3 colicky babies? PATIENCE! PATIENCE! PATIENCE! And I finally learned the best way to soothe my hurting baby: a rice sock.
Last night my Aunt Penny and her daughter were nice enough to watch my girls so that Corey and I could attend my Mission Reunion. It was a wonderful night...for me. My Aunt probably had a different feeling about the night. Ellie B (Elizabeth) was in so much pain and crying most of the night with stomach pains. Penny took great care of her and was so patient with the whole situation. When I got home I just wanted Penny to stay all night and soothe my little one. She stayed until well after midnight holding Ellie and comforting me. Penny was a great blessing for me last night. Before she left, she told me to put a warm towel under Ellie's belly because she had heard that helped with colic. So I found this old rice sock Corey had made for me a while ago. Corey heated it up and we laid Ellie over the top of it and she instantly went limp and slept very well. We also laid it upon her belly while she lay in my lap and she seemed to like that as well. I think not only the warmth of the sock, but the weight of it felt good to her. That pressure on the belly really helps her. I am so glad to have found this "cure" to her colic. Doesn't she look so peaceful?


Anonymous said...

Wow! That is very good information to know. I'm sorry you have to have another colicky baby... ah, the Lord teaches in different ways, huh? She looks so happy!

Even Better Than the Real Thing said...

So sorry, maybe we should have knocked on wood before we told you congratulations on a non colicky baby. Just remember to breath in and breath out, it will all be okay.